College Tuition Scholarship Program
“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today..”
– Malcom X
We have been educating and empowering youth for over three decades. We are committed to ensuring that more African American youth have access to college opportunities and educational resources. It is vital that they understand how to navigate the college experience and receive the proper funding to attend. College should always be an option, despite what someone’s economic status is. We have been able to give over 50 students that opportunity for the past 10 years. With the generous support of corporate sponsors and community partners, we have been able to award more than $75,000 in college scholarships to underserved students to close the gap of rising tuition costs, helping our community have access to quality education and become ready to compete in a global society.

You Can Make a Difference
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Don't put off what you can be a part of now! Joining 100 Black Men of Tulsa brings you into a national network of men committed to shaping the lives of tomorrow's youth, challenging the generational cycles of youth in our community and encouraging them to reach their fullest potential.